Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Beauty is Pain

Last Saturday was Adri's birthday, so we decided to celebrate with a small shopping trip to the Gateway. So we're walking around and I'm pondering ways I could inflict pain on my innocent infant child who is in exceptionally good spirits when it hits me . . . "Let's stab holes in her earlobes!" So we did. Except it didn't happen quite so violently. The intense description is merely a result of sleep deprived writing. It pretty much went more like this: We were walking around, I see a sign that says Ear Piercing and was like "Let's get Ali's ears pierced!" And Adri was like "OMG Let's do it!" Basically. Piercing Ali's ears is something I've been so excited to get done since before she was born but when it actually came down to it I wasn't sure if I would be able to handle it. But I was a trooper and followed through (especially since they had already taken my money and were prepping their guns to hold at my baby's head). After quite an effort of trying to get my baby turned octopus to hold still, with a pull of the trigger . . . Oh . . . My . . . Adorable!! Ali didn't even cry very hard and not for very long, and only gave off the occassional attention-driven wimper for like 10 minutes after. And now, she is so pretty with her little diamond studs! Well, she was pretty before but now it's like all she's missing is her tiara and diamond shoes! And if anyone knows where I can find diamond shoes in size Baby I'll be sure and get that taken care of.

So Happy Birthday Adri! And here's to us: May Baby Ali follow in our vanity!