Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Every night we go through the ritual. I lay Ali in her crib and she falls asleep. Then a half hour later I walk Calvin to his room, we read Balloon Farm (it’s been a year of Balloon Farm and he knows it so well I can’t even skip pages anymore), we say a prayer, I lay Hobbes and Puppy on the pillow and then tuck all three of them in together and give them all hugs and kisses. Sometimes twice. Oh, sooo cute! Or so you might think. As soon as I hear the click of the door shut immediate feelings of freedom rush over me. Not wanting to miss a single second of shut-eye that comes my way, I grab my pillow and run to bed. And just when I’m comfortable I hear the cry of a smothered Ali. Calvin has been doing this every night for the last month. He gets out of bed when I leave, throws his pillow and blanket on top of Ali, and climbs in her crib with her. I just don’t know what to do about this, and so it continues. But the other morning Calvin and I had an interesting conversation. He must have remembered how mad I was the night before and thought he should explain. He said, “Calvin, why’d you climb in Ali’s bed?” So I asked, “Calvin, why’d you climb in Ali’s bed last night?” He said, “Ali cried.” I said, “I know she cried, but only because you got in there and threw all your crap on top of her.” He said, “Ali take Hobbes.” And I said, “Well she wouldn’t have taken him if you hadn’t thrown him in there.” And he said, “Ali hurt Hobbes.” So I asked, “How did Ali hurt Hobbes?” Then he shook his head and said, “Ali didn’t hurt Hobbes, Calvin kicked Ali. Ali was crying.” I asked, “She was crying because you kicked her! Why did you kick her?!” And he said, “SHE WAS CRYING!” He must think I'm stupid for me to not understand his reasoning. PS this was also our first real conversation that actually made sense from start to finish. I'm so proud.

Monday, February 9, 2009

adri paige

Adri now has a blog for all her photography so you should check it out!
I was kind enough to let her practice with her new camera on my kids and the only thing that could have made them better is if they actually would have smiled! They turned out way cute, so take a look!

Sunday, February 8, 2009


I must say I'm quite pleased to see 2008 done, over-with, and gone. I wouldn't really say I'm a pessimist, but I can think of nothing good that happened all year aside from Ali being born (healthy & beautiful might I add). Oh, and I haven't been laid off from job! That's a big one. Nonetheless, the previous "gaping wound of a year" has left me with Eiffel Tower-high hopes for this one. And, other than one aspect of my life, so far it's looking good.

I started my year off by going to lunch with my friend Celeste. She left me for the sunnier skies of Phoenix in July which has really taken a toll on my sanity. So it was refreshing to spend an afternoon with the only one (correct me if I'm wrong) who doesn't judge me for my anal retentive tendencies and completely understands my motives. I heart her.

Calvin turned 3. He almost vomited at his own party after taking a bite out of his candle

but that was the highlight of my night! Gifts of mention: the Indiana Jones Potato Head-love it! And the SmartCycle- minus the fact that he pedals backwards. But for now it serves as a good jumping off point to play Buzz Lightyear!

I went to the spa for the first time and got a wonderful facial and my eyebrow waxed. To spare any confusion that wasn't a typo, however I do have 2 separate brows now which I think is a good look for everyone! I've made the decision to be a monthly spa go-er of facials and massages. After all, taking care of 3 kids is hard work!

A couple of Saturdays ago my parents took us down to the Energy Solutions Arena for Playhouse Disney LIVE! I'm having issues getting my pictures to upload but I'm pretty sure Calvin didn't blink once, it was so funny! For being right at his nap time he did pretty well and seemed to have fun. I won't mention the small tantrum he threw that caused him to lose his shoe. Or the part at Intermission when he wanted to go home and we had to bribe him with ice cream to stay.

We can't forget the Ali Update. As of Christmas she pulls herself up and zooms all along the furniture, occassionally gets good enough balance to stand by herself for up to 10 seconds, got a haircut to even out the extreme Victoria Beckham A-line she was sporting, has a tooth, and also got her eyebrow waxed for the first time. Okay, the last one is a lie, but I'm seriously considering it as long as the general public doesn't find this to be borderline child abuse.

Hopefully the new year will allow more blogging time so I don't have to play catch-up!