Thursday, March 5, 2009

Insult of the Week

The other day I was making a box. You know, taking a flattened out box and taping it together into a functional 3-dimensional object. I tend to have issues when I have to perform this task on my own, as I insist on all the ends being perfectly even and having the flaps meet completely. After a couple of minutes of intense work I had my box complete, and although it wasn't perfect my tape wasn't even wrinkled so it passed...until Calvin looks at it, then me and says, "That looks awful."


Amanda said...

Oh children can be so kind! Although Emorie can't speak yet, everytime I want her to give me a kiss she slaps me in the face. She gladly gives her dad a kiss whenever he asks!

jhjonze said...

You know what, I'm the same about boxes. And I used to be the Shipping Specialist at FedEx Kinko's. Many moons were wasted making boxes look perfect...

LuCinda said...

Watch out! You might be making a little Joseph...

kathy said...

I'd say that's grounds for a spanking, or at least a very long time out! That boy needs to learn to never criticize a woman's box.

Anita said...

Since when did Calvin become such an expert in box making? Let him try and do better!!!

Kirsten Cooley said...

What are your cute kids up to these days? We need an update.