My dad and Calvin enjoying the parade. Calvin's not much of a candy-catcher yet but Grandpa Jeff proved to be pretty good. Calvin's favorite part of the parade was the live music and all the horses.
Our very own family esthetician, Shelly. It started with her mother making her pluck leg hairs. Punishment for something I suppose. Then I made her pluck my eyebrows. Then cousin Perry decided he could use some man-scaping!
The Grandmother is helping Calvin blow bubbles. He's not so good. He's got a long way to go before he's as good as Aunt Edna in the background.
Popular vote decided that LuCinda isn't as good at bubble blowing as Edna. But look how much she's enjoying it!
Calvin seems to have lost interest at this point.
Yipee! New updates. Way to go Vic!
I am a major blog stalker and was thrilled when I stumbled on yours (mine to Ashley Larsen's to Heather Traveller's to Jake Carlson's to Tanner Cooley's to yours!). I hope you won't mind if I occasionally take a peek just to keep up with your gorgeous family. I love you guys, you know! Love, Mom Jones (my blog, if you are interested:
looks like I'm a blog stalker too! What a fun fourth of July. I've said it a million times before, Calvin is the cutest kid ever! This is "cousin erin" by the way!
Ohh...a Cole 4th without all the Cole's. I'm sad that I missed this one but from now on I'll be there. Promise. That's cute that Perry cares about his image so much. p.s. tell your kids to stop growing up until I get home.
Wow!!! Sorry I am the biggest harrasser (is that a word?) I should be the person in trouble for not keeping up with your blog...I just had to catch up on like 15 posts. Let's never mention this again. p.s. I am so glad I got to see you and baby ali last night it was fun.
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